Saturday, September 6, 2008


One wonders at the prevalence of kissing games in this civilization. Games on the order of "Postoffice," "Kiss the Pillow" and innumerable others which have been devised for the jovial disports of lovers. In these games, because they are games, it is perfectly legitimate for two people to lass. In fact, in the game
Postoffice" this kissing is encouraged behind closed doors where- the happy couple are alone in a room. The game is so widespread that comment in regard to the manner in which it is played would be extraneous here. But, what would make an excellent topping off for this booklet, would be a conjecture
as to the reason for the prevalence of such games, even during the. dreaded Victorian -times , when etiquette was so strict that the dictum was made forbidding the placing of a book by a female author next to a book written by a man!
These kissing games existed and shall continue to exist because man and woman must kiss. In fact, man is the only animal who uses the kiss to express his love and affection. Dogs, cats and bears lick their offspring. Horses and cows rub noses and necks. Birds nestle together.
But, only mankind kisses.

Only mankind has the reason, the logic, the happy faculty of being able to appreciate the charm, the beauty, the extreme pleasure, the joy, the passionate fulfillment of the kiss! Nature kisses, in her way, but
nature hasn't the brains to profit from the kiss. Only man can do this.
Perhaps it would be appropriate to conclude this summary of the art of kissing with an excerpt from She lley's immortal poem in which occur the following lines:
See the mountains kiss high heaven,
And the waves-clasp one another.

No sister flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother.
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea;
What are are these kissings worth
If thou kiss not me?


Perhaps, in conclusion, it would be appropriate to make mention of a few kissing customs which have intrigued mankind. For instance, there is the rite of kissing under the mistletoe, at Christmas time. The origin of this custom is uncertain. Suffice it to say, it must have been started by some woman because, in,
it, She rule is that if a woman is caught standing under a sprig of mistletoe, any man has the right to kiss her, peremptorily, without asking her permision or begging her pardon. Here is one time when social convention doses its eyes to lover's delights. For, then, you can seize hold of the girl with impunity and
smack her to your heart's content without being socially ostracized for it.


The Dancing Kiss

A very pleasant way to kiss is found in the "dancing kiss." Here, again, it is the closeness of the bodies of the participants that adds to the enjoyment. What more could a pair of lovers ask for than a dimly lighted dance floor, the tender, rhythmical strains of a waltz being played by Wayne King their arms around
each other, their eager young bodies kissing each other in a myriad of excitable places, the while, their cheeks meet in glowing, velvety strokes? Naturally, in such situations, the rules of social etiquette w ill not allow the pair to enjoy an extremely appropriate "lip kiss." Although this can very easily be
accomplished in the privacy of one's parlor while the radio is broadcasting the music.

In fact, the "electric

kiss" can be ideally performed under these circumstances. But, when dancing in a public place, the only kisses allowed would be those surreptitious ones stolen under the straying eye of the chaperone. Under the pretense of whispering pretty nothings into your partner's shell of an ear, allow your lips to touch her earlobe, her cheek and her chin. A few covert eye-kisses, perhaps, can be stolen in this manner, too.


these stolen sweets should suffice the happy couple until they return home,. Then, stimulated by the forepleasure of these previous non-lip kisses, the pair can indulge in all the variations listed in this
booklet, to their hearts' and their lips' content. The while they recall, perhaps, those lines from Sir John
Suckling's "Ballad of a Wedding," which went:
Oh, they sudden up -and rise and dance;
Then sit again, and sigh, and glance;
Then dance again, and kiss.


Some few years ago, a very peculiar kissing custom arose which deserves mention here because, from it, we can learn how to adapt the method to our modem devices. At that time, when young people got together, they held, what was then known as, "electric kissing parties." Young people are ever on ' the outlook for novel ways of entertaining themselves. In fact, when ether was first developed as an anesthetic, the young bloods of the town used to form "ether-sniffing" parties in which they got a
perfectly squiffy ether "jag." But to return to the "electric kisses." An excerpt from a contemporary writer
will, perhaps, give us some idea of what happened.

"The ladies and gentlemen range themselves about the room. In leap year the ladies select a partner, and
together they shuffle about on the carpet until they are charged with electricity , the lights in the room
having been first turned low. Then they kiss in the dark; and make the sparks fly for the amusement of the


A variation 6f the "lip-kiss" can be performed very nicely. Instead of pressing the lips together at one spot, start at one corner of the mouth and brush your closed lips across the entire mouth. A variation ofthis, in turn, is to part your lips slightly and, with the tip of your tongue in the groove that separates the two lips, brush your lips from side to side. Naturally, .additional variations to this last variation suggest themselves immediately to the aware practitioner of the kiss. In fact, to such a person there should come up hundreds of other variations to titillate and titivate the senses.

One such variation suggests itself. Technically, it is not exactly a variation but simply a variation in the technique of the ordinary "lip-kiss." It employs the use of the ".delayed action" in its execution. The old story of the fox and the grapes which were tantalizingly dangled over his head is the foundation for the
method. Simply, the procedure is this: just before lowering your lips for the kiss, instead of planting the kiss, draw your head back again. Then, hold your lips in readiness but do not-kiss. Hold this position for as long as possible the while you smile tantalizingly into the eyes of the girl. Finally, when both you and
she can stand the suspense no longer, then lower your lips, Slowly, as slowly as you possibly can, and imprint the seal of-love onto the avid mouth of your loved one. After that, the technique calls for no
specific action. Kissing, like loving, is instinctive.


Horace, another Roman, whose kissing proclivities have come down through the ages because of his love poems, also wrote something about the "nip-kiss" when he said:
Or on thy lips, the fierce, fond boy
Marks with his teeth the furious joy.

So you see, it is perfectly normal people, if you can call poets normal people, who indulge in the "pain b kiss" and derive intense pleasure from it. Punishment, after all, can be more than painful. For instance, in
another poem, a poet says:
And if she dared her lips to pout,
Like many pert young misses,
I'd wind my arms her waist about
And punish her with kisses.

Naturally, in the "nip-kiss" the kisser is not supposed to open his mouth like the maw of a lion. and then sink his fangs into the delicate-flesh of the kissee. Ridiculous! The procedure is the same as the ordinarykiss except that, instead of closing your lips with the kiss, you leave them slightly. open and, as though
you were going to nibble on a delicious tid-bit, take a playful nip into either the nape of the neck, the
cheek or the lips. just a nip is enough. And the resultant pleasure, I assure you, will more than
compensate for the slight inconvenience of pain.


A while back, mention was made of the "Pain kiss." It is with this seemingly paradoxical pleasure that we shall deal with now. First of all, it is necessary to explain that, although an act can be painful, it can still be pleasurable. The explanation is merely another indication of the variability of human nature. To
begin, there are some people who derive an extreme pleasure out of being whipped or burned or beaten.

There is no rational explanation for this strange, delight. The fact remains that they react pleasurably to pain. These people are called masochists. Similarly, there are other people who derive the same pleasure out of being the ones who inflict pain or perform the beating. Their abnormality, too, is inexplicable.

They are called sadists.

The point is this: these people have these strange desires in extremes. But normal people have similar desires but they are not so strong. They are present only in minute degrees. That is why some of us deliberately uncover ourselves in cold weather or continue to pick at a sore tooth although the act pains us. It is for this reason that most of us are able to derive pleasure from the "pain kiss."
The "pain kiss" is simply a tiny bite, a love nip.

Catullus, who knew his kissing, if we are to judge from the many poems he left on the subject, once rote:

Whom wilt thou for thy lover choose?
Whose shall they call thee, false one, whose?
Who shall thy darted kisses sip, While thy keen love-bites scar his lip?


For instance, there can be kisses exchanged merely in intense glances. A sort of "spiritual kiss." can pass between the adoring eyes of a pair of lovers. The hot blooded Latin races know the power of such kisses.

Their fiery temperaments are ever questing for new delights, for variations, for delightful and artful ways of adding to the pleasure of love. There is a poem extant written by a young Spanish poet to his sloe-eyed, raven-tressed senorita. No doubt it was sung by him under her balcony while the romantic moon streamed down liquid beams. But the poem quite amply describes this point of kissing with things
other than your lips.

Then she kisses with her eyelids,
Kisses with her arching eye-brows,
With her soft cheek softly rubbing,
With her chin and hands and fingers,
All the frame of Manuela,
All her blood and all her spirit,
All melt down to burning kisses.

There, Perhaps fifteen feet away from him, was the light of her love. Yet, by means of her eyes, she was
able to kiss him so that their love continued to flower.


It is with the last few lines of this poem that our next subject for discussion concerns itself. As wasmentioned before, the true lover is not satisfied with only one or two contacts. He wants n6thing to beheld from him. It is for that reason that, when kissing a girl, after. you have given sufficient time to the
kissing of her lips, you should vary your kissing by diverting your zeal to other portions of her face.

Robert Herrick, who wrote, many beautiful love lyrics in his day, has a poem which ideally synthesizes
this idea of varied kisses. In it he says:
It isn't creature born and bred
Between the lips all cherry-red;

It is an active flame that flies
First to the babies of the eyes;
Then to the cheek, the chin and ear;
It frisks and flies-now here, now there-
'Tis now far off, and then 'tis near;
Here and there and everywhere.
Let us say that you have revelled in a sweet, long kiss. Suddenly, you see your loved one's eyes close as
though in a moment of weariness. Gently detach your lips from her's and raise them up to her closed
eyelids. Drop a kisslet first on one eyelid and then on the other. Feel the rolling orb quiver under your
lips. Then , when you have done this, run your lips down along the line of her nose, stopping at odd times
to purse them into a tiny kiss. When you reach the wrinkle of her nostrils, bury your lips deeply into the
curve and kiss little niblets into first one and then the other. If her eyes still are closed, repeat the process.
But return to the lips.
Never forget this important injunction, "Return to the lips," for they can never become satiated with
love's ardent kisses. The little kisses that you have deposited on her eyes and her nose serve only to vary
the Menu of love. They are but spice to the course of love's banquet which should always be the "lip


The Vacuum Kiss

This time, when your eager lips have been deposited on the eager lips of the girl, try to vary the kiss. For instance' instead of using the soul kiss, try what is known as the "vac uum kiss." Here you start off by irst opening your mouth a. trifle just after you have been resting peacefully with closed lips. Indicate to your partner, by brushing her teeth with the tip of your tongue, that you wish for her to do likewise.

moment she responds, instead of caressing her mouth, suck inward as though you were trying to draw out
the innards of an orange. If she knows of this kiss variations your maid will act in the same way and
withdraw the air from your mouth. In this fashion, in a very short while, the, air will have been entirely
drawn out of your mouths. Your lips will adhere so tightly that there will almost be pain, instead of
pleasure. But it will be the sort of pain that is highly pleasurable. That may sound odd but, nevertheless,
it is a fact. Pain becomes so excruciating as to become pleasure. This subject will be gone into very
shortly in regard to what is known as the "bite kiss." But, at present let I us continue with the "vacuum

This kiss must, of necessity, last a comparatively short time. There is tog rill4ch strain on the delicate
mouth tissues and the muscles tire very easily. It is .for that reason that this kiss should be shortened.However, there is a special technique to be used to terminating it. When you decide that you have had
enough of it, don't suddenly tear your mouth away. At least, don't do it if there are other people present in
the house. For, they will become startled by the sound of a loud report which will result if you act
suddenly. Any vacuum when suddenly opened to air gives off a loud popping noise. The procedure is
simply to open first a comer of your mouth. You will hear a faint hissing sound when this is done.

Immediately, you will find the pressure in your mouth lessen. The muscles will relax. And a delicious
sense of torpor will creep over your entire body, giving it a lassitude that is almost beatific


But don't stop at this.Surely, there is more to your tongue than merely its tip. Probe further. Go deeper. Gently caress ,eachother's tongues. For, in doing this, you are merging your souls. That is why this kiss was called the "soul"
kiss by the French who were said to be the first people to have perfected it.. The French have always
been a liberal minded people. And, it is because of the fact that they droppedPuritanism many years ago,that they were able to. perfect themselves in the art of love and, particularly, in the art of kissing.
Learn from the French.

Learn also from the Old Romans , especially Catullus, whose love poems to Lesbia have lived throughhe ages because of the sincerity of his passion and the genius of his ability to express his emotions in the
form of beautiful poetry. For it was Catullus who wrote:
"Then to those kisses add a hundred more,
A thousand to that hundred so, kiss on!
To make that thousand up to a million;


But don't be in a hurry I As in all matters pertaining to love, don't hurry the process of kissing. A kiss istoo rapturous a thing to be enjoyed for the moment and the moment only. Linger longer on her lips thanyou have ever lingered before. Forget time. Forget everything but the kiss in which you are in the midstof. Don't be like that bashful young lover who, after a sweet, long kiss, drew his lips away from tlips
of his charmer. Immediately, She burst out into tears.

"What's the matter?" he asked solicitously.

"You don't love me I" she said between sobs.

"But I do!"
"Then why did you draw your lips away?"
"I couldn't breathe," he said naively.
Breathe? Who wants to breathe, who even wants to think of breathing in the middle of an impassioned
kiss? Breathe through your nose if you have to breathe. But kiss, keep on kissing, as long as there! Is one
minim of breath in you. Kiss, as Byron said we should kiss, with the "long, long kiss of youth and love."
Recently, in Chicago, there was held a marathon kissing contest to determine Which couple could hold
their kiss the longest without being forced to separate. One pair was able to hold their kiss for fifteen
hours. Think of that! Fifteen hours. And yet the naive lad stopped kissing because be couldn't breathe.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning must have spent many an ecstatic night of kissing with the poet, Robert
Browning, if we are to judge from an excerpt from her "Aurora Leigh," in which she described a kiss as
being "As long and silent as the ecstatic night."
Another poet, unknown, but certainly one who knew whereof he speaks, wrote the following poem which
deserves to be quoted in its entirety.
Oh, that a joy so soon should waste,
Or so sweet a bliss as a kiss
Might not forever last!
So sugared, so melting, -so delicious.
The dew that lies on roses,
When the morn herself discloses,
Is not so precious.
Oh, rather than I would it smother
Were I to taste such another.
It. should be my wishing
That I might die kissing.
At this point, it should be explained that the lips are not the only part of the mouth which should be


Another question which must be settled at this time concerns the size of thekissee's mouth. Aconsideration of this factor is important. Where the girl's mouth is of the tiny, rosebud type, then oneneed not worry about what to do. Merely follow the directions as they were outlined above. However,there are many girls whose lips are broad and generous', whose lips are on the order of Joan Crawford's,
for instance.. The technique in kissing such lips is different.

Different Sizes of Mouths Require a Different Technique in Kissing
For, were one to allow his lips to remain centered, there would be wide expanses of lips, untouched and,
therefore, wasted. In such cases,. instead of remaining adhered to the center of the lips, the young man
should lift up his lips a trifle and begin to travel around the girl's lips, stopping a number of times to drop
a firm kiss in passing. When you have made a complete round of the lips, return immediately to the
center bud and feast there. Feast there as did that lover of Fatimas, in Tennysen's poem, in which it was
written that: "Once he drew, with one long kiss, my whole soul through my lips-as sunlight drinketh
Then, sip of the honey.

Like the bee that settles on the fragrant pistils of a flower, and sips in the nectar for honey, so should you
sip in the nectar from between the lips of your love. And it is nectar. For there is in this mingling a
symbol of the holy communion o f the spirits of two soul-mates, joined together in the bonds of an
indissoluble love. It was a kiss such as this which caused the writer of an old German novel to write:


In kissing a girl whose experience with osculation is limited, it is a good thing to work up to the kissingof the lips. Only an arrant fool seizes hold of such a girl, when they are comfortably seated on the sofa,and suddenly shoves his face into her's and smacks her lips' Naturally, the first thing he should do is toarrange it so that the girl is seated against the arm of the sofa while he is seated at her side. In this way,she cannot edge away from -him when he becomes serious in his attentions.

This done, on some pretextor another, such as a gallant attempt to adjust the cushions behind her, he manages to insinuate his arm,first around the back of the sofa and then, gradually, around her shoulders. If she flinches, don't worry. If
she flinches and makes an outcry, don't worry. If she flinches, makes an outcry and tries to get up fromthe sofa, don't worry. Hold her gently but firmly, and allay her fears with kind, reassuring words.

Remember what Shakespeare said about "a woman's no! However., if she flinches and makes an outcry,a loud, stentorian outcry, mind you, and starts to scratch your face, then start to worry or start to getyourself out of a bad situation. Such girls are not to be trifled with ... or kissed. It is such as they, in most
cases, who still believe the story 6f the stork which brings babies because of the consequences of a kiss.

But if your arm is comfortably reposed across the girl's shoulders and "all's right with the world)" then
your next step is to flatter her in some way. All women like to be flattered. They like to be told they are
beautiful even when the mirror throws the lie back into their ugly faces.
The Art of Kissing


A paragraph back, we mentioned that the woman's lips were slightly parted when she awaited the lips of
her lover. There was a reason for using this description. Always, in any sort of kiss, just before the male's
lips settle onto the lips of his partner, the female's lips should be slightly parted. One reason for this is
that cherry-red lips serve as a charming frame for a row of gleaming, white, even teeth. The picture that

confronts the kisser is one that draws him onward. And even, months later, when he thinks back to the
kiss in the retrospect, he will remember that pretty little picture of the pearls of teeth nestling in their
frame of-cherries.
The deliciousness of a long-remembered kiss was beautifully expressed in a poem 'called, "Three
Kisses," in which occurred the verse:
I gently raised her sweet, pure face,
Her eyes with radiant, love sight filled.
That trembling kiss I'll ne'er forget
Which both our hearts with rapture filled.
Another reason for-parting the lips is that there is a definite gratification the male obtains from the
delicious odor that emanates from his loved one's mouth. John Secundus, in describing a kiss,. said - that
!& lover's kiss was like:
"... every aromatic breeze That wafts from Africa's spicy trees;"
The odor of a woman's hair can send shivers of joy coursing up and down a man's spine. The odor of her
body can convulse him with throes of passion. Odors are as necessary to love as is love, itself. That is
why it is so essential that the lips be parted just before the kiss. And that is why the breath should be kept
always sweet and pure so that, when the lips art opened, the breath will be like an "aromatic breeze."
Sometimes it is advisable to touch the corners of the mouth with perfume. But be certain that there is
only the faintest suggestion of an odor and no more. Another thing, lipstick is definitely out in the kiss,
because it comes off so readily. A very light coat of lipstick should be worn so that, when it does come
off, it will not serve to betray you. Similarly, the teeth should be kept cleaned and polished. Nothing can
dampen a young man's ardor, or a young woman's for that matter, than a row of brown-stained, unkempt


Man and woman are born to love, marry and beget children. Woman is so physically constituted that sheis the one who bears the child. Man, on the other hand, is given the duty of being the protector of his wife and, after they are born, of his children. Therefore, he must always be the one who takes the initiative.
must be strong, he must be willing, he must be physically able to take care of his charges, He must be theaggressor.
It is, therefore, necessary that the man be taller than the woman. The psychological reason for this is that
he must always give the impression of being his woman's superior, both mentally and especially
physically. The physical reason, with which we are more concerned, is that if he is taller that his woman,
he is better able to kiss her. He must be able to sweep her into his strong arms, and tower 6ver her, and
look down into her eyes, and cup her chin in his fingers and 1 hen, bend over her face and plant his
eager, virile lips on her moist, slightly parted, inviting ones. All of this he must do with the vigor of an
assertive male. And, all of these are impossible where. the woman is the taller of the-two. For when the
situation is reversed, the kiss becomes only a ludicrous banality. The physical mastery is gone, the male
prerogative is gone, everything is gone but the fact that two lips are touching two other lips. Nothing can
be more disappointing.


The only kiss that counts is the one exchanged by two people who are in love with each other. That is the first essential of the satisfying kiss. For a kiss is really the union of two soul-mates who have come together because they were made for each other. The. reason for this is that the kiss is really the introduction to love, true love. The kiss prepares the participants for the love life of the future. It is the foundation, the starting point of sexual love. And it is for that reason that the manner in which the kiss is performed is so vitally important.

There are still young women extant who believe that babies are the result of kisses Actually! this is a fact! And this condition exists because our parents, in the main, are either ignorant of the methods of explaining sex to their children or are too embarrassed to enlighten them. The result is that their children obtain their sexual information from the streets and alleys or else remain ignorant of it and believe such
things as was mentioned above.


Once this hunger for the opposite sex evidences itself, there occurs in the human body what is known as
tumescence which, in simple language, is the rhythmical contraction of the various muscles of the body
together with the functioning of certain glands, just which glands science has been unable to say
definitely. Gland specialists know, by performing certain operations, that the adrenal, the pituitary, the
gonad and certain other glands, control the sexual behavior of human beings. It is these glands that re-act,
that secrete what are known as hormones into the blood which, in turn, carries them into the various
organs effected by a sexual reaction.

Therefore, it can be seen that it is the partial satisfying of the sex-hunger that makes kissing pleasurable.'

Electricity is used for turning motors and lighting lamps and heating curling irons. But electricity 4oes
not give complete satisfaction to the kiss


What happens when a man and a woman kiss?
That is to say, what happens, to the various parts of the body when two people in love join their lips in
bliss? Years ago, before our biologists knew of the existence of the glands in our bodies, one writer
quoted a scientist as saying that "kissing is pleasant because the teeth, jawbones and lips are full of
nerves, and when the lips meet an electric current is generated."
What nonsense! what utter nonsense!
In the first place, two people kiss because they are satisfying, a hunger within them, a hunger that is as
natural as the hunger for-food, water and knowledge. It is the hunger of sex that drives them to each
other. After that, hunger has been satiated, then comes the hunger for a home, for children and for marital
happiness. This hunger is instinctive, that is, we are born with it, all of us, and we cannot learn it or
acquire it in any way


Of course, there are different kinds of kisses. For instance, there is the kiss that the devout person
implants on the ring of the Pope. There is the maternal kiss of a mother on her child. There is the friendly
kiss of two people who are meeting or are separating. There is the kiss that a king exacts from his
conquered subjects. But although all of these are called kisses, they are not the kisses* that we are going
to concern ourselves with in this book. Our kisses are going to be the only kind of kisses worth
considering . the kisses of love. The kiss perhaps, that Robert-Bums had in mind when he wrote:
Honeyed seal of soft affections,
Tenderest pledge of future bliss,
Dearest tie of young connections,
Love's first snowdrop, virgin kiss.

The amazing thing about the kiss is that although mankind has been kissing ever since Adam first turned
over on his side and saw Eve lying next to him, there has been practically nothing written on the subject.
Every year, hundreds of books are published telling you how to reduce, how to gain, how to get a job,
how to cook, how to write and even how to live. But, on the art of kissing, very little has been written. -
One reason for this lack of proper instruction is accounted for by the Victorian. sense of morals which
has persisted through the ages. To the blue-nosed Puritans of the past anything that concerned love was
dirty, pornographical. John Bunyan's writings show what these, Puritans thought of' the kiss. He wrote in
big infamous "The Pilgrim's Progress," "the common salutations of women I abhor. It is odious to me in
whomsoever I see it. When I have seen good men salute those women that they have visted, or that have
visited them, I have made my objections against it; and when they have answered that it was but a piece
of civility, I have told them that it was not a comely sight. Some, indeed, have urged the holy kiss; but
then, I have asked them why they make their balks; why they- did salute the most handsome and let the
ill-favored ones go." Perhaps old Bunyan thought that way because be was one of the "ill-favored" who
went unkissed and were let "go."
But, nowadays, people have taken a broader outlook on life. Our plays are becoming more civilized and
less stiff. Our arts are no more censored by laws. Our books are being written about subjects that no

self-respecting author would ever have dared to put into a book. Birth-control, divorce and the science of
marriage are common subjects for books. Even the strange vices of mankind are brought out into the
open and discussed and not allowed to fester in the dark chambers of censorship. Yes, books like Van de
Velde's "Ideal Marriage" and Stope's "Married Love" Ire openly sold in bookstores. But, nowhere, do we
find a book which instructs people in the art of kissing, an art which is an absolute essential to a happy
-life, as we shall discuss in the oncoming pages of this book. Is it because we are not absolutely freed
from the shackles of prudishness? In certain parts of this country, men have been arrested for kissing
their wives on the street! Is this civilization?

So it is, that this book is being written. It is going to be a manual of the kiss. In it we are going to discuss
the most approved methods of kissing, the ad' vantages. of certain kinds and, with the disadvantages of
others, the mental and physical reactions of kissers, historical episodes of kissing together with examples
from the literature of the world in which kisses were the subject. So, gird up your loins, pucker up your
lips and let's to the kissing arena!


2. Final Instrument Check

Key Elements:
Closeness, Alignment, Physical Touch

As you move closer to that magical kiss, you don't want to be leaning forward awkwardly to get there.

Not only will moving closer send signals to your partner, but you want your body to be in a comfortable position during the kiss, so you can enjoy every moment of it.

You may want to actually touch the person just before the kiss. While a hand lightly on the face is a definite signal of intimacy, even holding hands combined with eye contact and a warm look can get your 'flight' confirmed.

Just like taxiing onto the runway, you want to make sure you are aligned correctly at this point.
This means not only getting your lips on track with theirs, but getting the head tilted correctly as well.

If you tilt your head slightly to one side first, your partner will likely react and tilt the other way. Watch for their tilt as well- if they've beaten you to the tilt, simply lean your head the other way and begin to move in.

Troubleshooting - The PERFECT KISS

"Houston, we have a problem" (uh oh)

There are many ways that first kiss can go terribly wrong, but most are easily avoided.


# Moving too quickly
Be careful not to startle the kissee - watch and wait for the signal to proceed
If you aren't sensitive in your kissing, how empathetic and caring can you be about the rest of the realtionship...
# Wet, sloshy, squishy, fishy
If you or the kissee need to wipe your lips, or chin, dry after the kiss - well, it wasn't 'perfect' was it?
# Smash-mouth smothering kiss of death
Avoid the over-passionate, insensitive kiss that leaves the kissee gasping for air.
# Chapped, Cactus Lips
There's a delicate balance to lip moisture equation. The last thing you want to do is drool on your partner, but you definitely don't want to leave scars with crispy, chafed lips.

# Too much Tongue and Too Much, Too Soon
Keep that tongue tucked away until you get the right signals, then apply with caution - later

# Dragon Breath
A mint or two, breath saver, gum, spray - anything to get rid of gunk-mouth.

# Weak, Wobbly or Wooden Passionless Pecks
The swoop in and bounce out kiss is simply meaningless - unless you want to impart a "let's just sort-of be friends" type of message.

# Smacking, Clacking Loud Kisses
The old "clack and smack" kills romance in a flash.


6. Cruising Altitude!

Key Elements:
Don't rush things, Eye contact, Nonverbal messages (and verbal, too)

As the Perfect Kiss ends, pull away slowly and make eye contact once again. That satisfied, warm smile will send all sorts of positive signals to your kissing partner.

At this point, both of you could be feeling a little 'light headed,' rather than airsick. Enjoy the closeness, relax, and you can even finish the kiss with a warm embrace.

A few words, such as, �That was nice,� can be whispered. Your partner may be just as nervous about as you about the kiss and closeness, and letting them know how you really feel with a little positive reinforcement always helps.

Step Five - The PERFECT KISS

5. We Have Liftoff!

Key Elements:
A Soft Touch and Gradual Adjustments
Now you have first contact. For a first kiss, keep it sweet. Not too long and not wet.

Be sure not to pull away too quickly or make any sudden movements. Savor. Savor. Savor.

Often, people describe that first kiss in a relationship as falling into a slow motion movie. Enjoy the moment!

It's not critical here whether your upper and lower lip are aligned with theirs, you can be slightly above or below, and in future kisses, you'll be able to experiment with different 'flying' styles!

Step four - The PERFECT KISS

4. Gaining Momentum

Key Elements:
Relaxed lips, Head tilt, Breathing

As you are moving in, you can part your lips slightly just before contact. Keep your lips relaxed, tension-free jaw, the tongue in the hangar.

Remember to keep the head tilted so both of you can still breathe comfortably (through your noses) on contact and as the perfect kiss is held.

Prepare to savor every moment ... slowly, gently, easily...

Step Three - The PERFECT KISS

3. Down the Runway
(Also known as the point of no return)

Key Elements:
Relaxed lips, Closed eyes - prepare for your feet to leave the ground!

You won't need the speed of a 747 to get off the ground. Move in slowly, so that you don't end up embarrassingly banging heads, or lips. During step number two you made sure the two of you were aligned correctly, and now you can close your eyes as you're just about to make contact.

Your lips should be relaxed, not tightly pressed together. You want your partner to have the pleasant experience of feeling your lips softly against theirs, no matter whether you're a guy or a girl.

A First kiss isn't a time for a guy to prove his strength, or machismo. Your lips should be recently moistened, but not wet.
For guys, don't lick your lips right before you go in for the kiss. You want them dry, but not dried out- get it? It's always best to keep a stick of lip balm handy with you when you think some kissing might be in your near future. Prior conditioning can go a long way when the actual moment arrives.

For girls, hopefully you didn't just apply your candy apple red Marilyn Monroe lipstick. Lip gloss, lightly applied, or a small amount of lipstick can both keep your lips looking kissable, and appropriately moist.


1. Getting Cleared for Takeoff

Key Elements:
Eye Contact, Facial Expression

It's always best to avoid the 'ambush' kiss (although these can be exciting as your relationship progresses).

By looking into your partner's eyes, you will be not only sending the message that you like them and want to be closer to them, but you will be receiving messages as well.

A warm, kind smile (even a slight smile is good, it doesn't have to be BIG) is what you want to see and what you want your partner to see to get the green light.
Just as important as the look on his/her face is where he or she is looking.

While looking down may be a sign of shyness rather than lack of interest, glancing away, or even worse, noticing someone else, indicates that this is definitely not the right time, right place or, perhaps, not even the right person.

3 types of kissing

Nip Kissing

This type of kiss has to be done carefully, but when done correctly can create a wonderful effect on your date. While suck kissing, gently bite their lip, but be VERY gentle so as not to hurt your date / partner. This kiss should only be done with someone that you've kissed a few times before, otherwise you may shock your partner.

Surprise Kissing

This type of kiss is done when your partner is lying down on a sofa or the ground, either asleep or just lying with their eyes closed. Quietly approach your partner and place a small, very gentle kiss on their lips. Intensify the kiss until your partner opens their eyes or awakens.

Suck Kissing
This can be a very seductive type of kiss. Instead of French Kissing with your mouth open, while your partner's lips are parted suck on their top our bottom lip with your own, just for a second or two. Then go back to another type of kiss or try the other lip.

French Kissing

This is the most popular type of kiss. This involves touching your tongue with your partner's and it can be quite a pleasant experience. There are a few tips to create a great french kiss.

Open Lips -
Open your lips over your partner's slightly more than you would during a regular kiss. This makes it easier to place your tongue in your partner's mouth.

Tongue -
Place the tip of your tongue on the tip of your partner's tongue. Do not force your tongue too far into their mouth. If you wish, you can play with their tongue by circling theirs with your own. Have fun with it. Explore.

Lips -
You may explore different ways of using your tongue. Try running the tip of your tongue over your partner's lips. Do this slowly and gently, just using the tip of your tongue.

Basic Kissing Tips Part-2

Close Eyes -

Just before your lips meet, close your eyes. Some people prefer to leave their eyes open during the kiss. But until you know what your partner prefers, it is best to close your eyes.

Open Lips -

Open your mouth slightly and place your lips over your partner's lips. Do not hold your breath! Breath through your nose. As your lips meet, press them gently over your partner's. You may wish to move your lips in a slow, circular motion or just leave them still over your partners.

Closed Lips -

This is like the type of kiss you'd give your grandma or aunt. Instead of opening your mouth when your lips meet, keep them closed. This is also a good way of letting your partner know this is as far as it goes. It also makes a great hello/good-bye kiss or a great first time kiss if you're nervous.

Basic Kissing Tips Part-1

Great Breath -

This is very important. Make sure you brush your teeth before going out on your date. There is nothing worse than kissing someone with bad breath.

If your date consists of having something to eat before the actual kiss, make sure you have a mint on hand to take right after you finish eating. Don't take the mint just before the kiss or chew on gum. You don't want to have something in your mouth when you kiss.

Moist Lips -

You want your lips to be slightly moist when you kiss. Run your tongue over your lips once before you kiss. Don't wear lip gloss because that tends to make the kiss too gooey.

And don't wear a lot of lipstick unless you want your partner to wear it too after the kiss. Slightly moist lips makes it easier to move your lips over your partner's and gives both you and your partner a more pleasant experience.

Positioning -

Stand close to your partner. As the two of you move closer together tilt your head slightly. If you can see which way your partner's head is tilting, tilt your head slightly in the opposite direction.

Kissing Explained

A first kiss should always be done while the two of you are alone. This will help to avoid any unnecessary nervousness and embarrassing situations.
The best type of kiss is one that uses different variations...
such as starting with a small kiss, working into a French Kiss, maybe sucking on your partner's upper or lower lip...

And don't just leave kisses to the lips.
Kiss their cheeks, their chin or their eyelids.
This can be very seductive and romantic.

How to Move in Effectively for a Kiss

all you guys out there move in for a kiss effectively. When used properly, this method even works on the first date.


1. Choose a place that is secluded and romantic. The best place most of the time is one of the participants' houses or in the cinema. Put in a movie or start watching television, or choose something that is conducive to inactive participation. Make sure that the girl sits down first. Then sit next to her close enough that your thighs are lightly touching but not so much as to cause an uncomfortable situation for the lady.
2. Slowly put your arm around her. Gently, barely touching her shoulders just so she can barely feel your arm.
3. Adjust yourself and get your arm closer and closer becoming more and more apparent that you have your arm around her. Be sure to be very sensitive to body language and her feelings. Soon if she wants to continue escalating the physical contact, which she usually does, she will lean forward slightly.
4. Slide your arm down to the point that it is around her neck. If she settles into your arm, then it is likely that she wanted you to do this. If it becomes awkward she probably did not want you to do this.
5. Begin to slowly stroke the peak of her shoulder very softly. If she shrugs your hand, this is a hint that she doesn't want you to do this.
6. Continue stroking her shoulder and gently and slowly move it up to her neck and rub her neck very gently. Continue moving your hand and eventually make your way up to her ears, stroke them so gingerly as they are a very erogenous area if you touch them correctly.
7. Keep stroking the ears and when you think you are ready and she is ready, gently trace your finger along her jawline and gently, ever so gently turn her head towards you, lean in close while her head is turning and when she gets around to face you look at her eyes then go 90% of the way in and let her come in 10%.


* Try to know her feelings as you move in for the kiss.
* Do everything with the utmost gentleness.
* If anything goes wrong or she doesn't want to escalate, cease operations immediately.
* Sometimes they don't want to on the first date, so it may take some time
* Leaning in and giving her/him a peck on the cheek before coming in for the real kiss can also turn him/her on


* Watch for negative body language.
* If he or she pulls away just stop trying to kiss him or her.

How to Kiss Goodnight

The "good night kiss" is one of the most romantic and exciting experiences when a couple are dating. If you've felt chemistry and you've had a great time, you're probably thinking about the good night kiss - Should you kiss her? Is she ready for it? When's the right time? Should you wait? Read on and find out how to kiss goodnight.


1. Walk your date to her front door or as close as she'll let you get, before deciding what to do next.

2. Assess the situation and her behaviour; you'll need to do this quickly as you don't want to wait around forever. If she's only taken you to her front gate or doesn't even let you get that far, take it as a bad sign and maybe a good night kiss isn't such a great idea. If she has her key out of her purse, in the front door lock and you're saying goodnight to her back, this too is a bad sign. And then there's the dreaded cheek turn, where as you're going in for the kiss, she turns her head. If she's really disgusted by you, she'll turn her head so far you won't even get the cheek - you'll get the ear. Other red lights can be lips clamped or a stubborn refusal to make eye contact. Only make a move if you feel all is right.

3.Remember that in every goodnight kiss scenario, you've got a limited "Window of Opportunity" to make your move. Create an "awkward pause" in the conversation. Studies show that people are uncomfortable with gaps of silence in conversation, so fill it with a smile and get ready to move in for a kiss.

4.Keep it simple, especially if this is your first kiss with your date - that means no tongue, no special moves; just turn your head slightly to the side, lean in slowly and rock her world! You can place a hand on the small of her neck if you wish. And there it is, a successful goodnight kiss.

5. Repeat if desired, or if you feel your date getting into it. This may lead to being invited inside, but don't count on it.

6. She will also really like it if you keep it locked on her cheek for about 3 seconds not 3 minutes


* If you want to be extra cute you could even kiss her hand or forehead, but be wary of the forehead kiss as some girls find it patronising or granddad like.
* When you're walking away, give a little glance back - chances are she'll be watching you go.
* Add comments such as "Tonight was amazing" or "I hope we can do this again sometime (And show her that you MEAN it)" to make her feel special.
* If you feel her trying to move away or say 'No', let her, then ask her if she's ok. If she tells you "nothing" or has to think about it just say goodnight (This usually means that she doesn't feel comfortable enough to tell you about it). It may be too early for her. Never force a girl into any situation she doesn't want to be in.


* Don't shove your tongue down her throat. This is meant to be sweet. Keep it simple!
* Don't just go around kissing anyone, anytime! You may be charged with sexual assault if you make an advance on an unwilling girl.
* Do NOT kiss her goodnight (or first kiss her) in front of your friends or hers. Especially not yours. They will make fun of you(though granted that's only because they are all jealous).
* Do not grab her head and turn it to face you when shes facing the other way and kiss her.its unexpected and not romantic.
* Don't take forever, the romance in the air does fade away, then it just gets awkward.

How to Refuse a Kiss

Ever been in this sticky situation where your guy wanted to [[kiss]] you but you aren't ready? You might feel so pressured that they go for it when they aren't ready. Here are some simple steps to hint that you're just not ready.


1. Try not to give off the wrong signals if you do not want to be kissed. If that is so, try not to flirt suggestively or talk about kissing.
2. If you are out or on a date, and your boyfriend or girlfriend makes that move to kiss you, don't pull away and scare them. Just shake your head. If you pull away they may feel rejected.
3. Tell your boyfriend or girlfriend that you're not ready to kiss yet. If he or she really likes you, he or she will respect your wishes and wait until you are ready.
4. Tell them beforehand that you don't like kissing. This way they won't try to kiss you and if they do, then they probably aren't worth it.
5. Smile after you say no so they don't feel rejected. If you don't they might think you don't like them at all.
6. Give them "the cheek" by tilting your head slightly - they will get the hint.
7. If they are too insistant, just back off.


* Look in his or her eyes for about 3 seconds after you pull away. He or she should get the hint and stop.
* If you pull away but they still try to kiss you, take a step backwards and try and explain, and if they still try then they aren't worth it.
* Sometimes, he or she may put his or her hands on your face. This can be romantic...but if you don't want it, don't allow them to turn your face. A simple "No thank you" or shake of the head is better than pulling away and scaring them.
* If you just don't feel like kissing, tell them that you don't feel very good or you aren't in the mood. This will keep them from feeling too rejected.


* Don't push him or her back, unless he or she is forcing him/herself on you in an inappropriate manner.
* And if someone does that they normally turn out to be a little controlling or abusive sometimes in relationships. Not all the time, but be careful with that.

How to Hint for a Kiss from a Guy

In most societies around the world, it's traditionally up to the guy to initiate a couple's first kiss. If you're a girl, this takes a lot of pressure off you, but sometimes it can be frustrating if you want to be kissed but your guy is a little too shy to try to kiss you. Here's how to hint that you would like to be kissed.


1. Look Approachable. If you put him at ease and let him know you enjoy being with him, he'll usually find the courage to try to kiss you.
2. Break the "touch barrier." Touch him lightly on the arm or shoulder when you're talking. Just make it a quick, innocent touch and don't make a big deal out of it. Holding hands is also a good way to break the touch barrier. The simple act of touching can strengthen the intimacy between you and him. Sometimes a guy will break the touch barrier, and if you're comfortable with him doing so, touch him back. But don't wait for a guy to make the first move here, because girls can generally get away with breaking the touch barrier earlier in a relationship more than guys can. Also another good way of breaking the touch barrier is to "compare hand sizes" then smile and lace your fingers for a moment. This is a cute way to "break the barrier."
3. Look at his lips. When you're alone with a guy and want to be kissed, make eye contact and then move your gaze briefly down to his lips. Then move your eyes back up to meet his and smile demurely. You don't have to be really obvious about it. Many guys will take the hint, especially if they've read one of the many articles that lists this as a sign that a girl wants to be kissed. If it doesn't work the first time, try again when the time is right.
4. Move in. You have to be close to each other to kiss, and the less distance a guy has to travel to kiss you, the easier it is for him to give it a try. So get close. When the moment seems right, put your face close to his and look at him expectantly. If you're brave, you could try moving in as though you're going to kiss him. Hopefully he'll take the hint and kiss you, but if he doesn't you can give him a playful little kiss on the cheek.
5. Talk about it. If the guy isn't taking your subtle hints, bring up kissing in conversation. For example, if you're watching a movie together and see an on-screen kiss, mention that it's "so romantic" or something to that effect. If the guy is really shy, you might just want to put it on the line and tell him that you'd like him to kiss you.
6. Kiss him. There's no law that says the guy has to initiate the kiss, and some guys--especially if they've never kissed a girl before--just won't take your hints. If you want to kiss him, just go ahead and do it.


* Try smoothing out his moustache, lightly touching his lip ring or wiping away an imaginary strand of hair from his face. While doing that purposefully look at his lips and compliment them, but only offhandedly without being too obvious.
* If the guy seems to be talking a lot, especially if he's talking quickly, he could be nervous because he's thinking about kissing you. In this case, an old trick is to tell him, "You talk too much." Say it playfully and with a smile, and maybe even briefly put your finger to his lips as though you're "shushing" him. And then kiss him lightly on his lips and pause for a moment; at this point the two of you should be really close and he will most probably initiate a kiss.
* One way to get a guy to move closer is to pretend to shake as though you're cold. If he doesn't get it right away, then rub your hands up and down against your arms; this will get his attention and maybe hint to him what you're trying to do. If still he doesn't snuggle up to you, you'll have a good excuse to snuggle up to him.
* Don't be too heartbroken if you don't get a kiss. The guy may just not be ready yet, or he may not like you in that way.
* Sometimes the first kiss can be a bit disappointing, especially if a guy doesn't have any kissing experience. If your guy can't kiss well, read about how to deal with a bad kisser.
* Men are often afraid of crossing the line because they are not sure if they have read the hints right! It can be easier for all (after building up the mood!) if you are clear about what you want, no hinting, no hidden meanings etc. Put your hands around his waist and say "I want to kiss you now" or something similar.
* If you're watching a movie with a romantic point in it and you are comfortable with touching him, softly brush your fingertips over his cheek bone while drawing his face near yours. Make eye contact with him if possible and he should get the hint.
* If the guy is a little too enthusiastic when kissing, just gently but firmly push him away by applying force to his chest. Gently though. If it's the guy's first, you don't want to ruin it for him forever.


* Telling a guy he talks too much may result in you annoying him. If he likes to talk, or thought he was actually trying to have a conversation with you, and is totally oblivious to what you are trying to do, he may take offense, and think that you don't care about what he has to say. Use this technique with caution.
* Never feel pressured to go farther than you want to go. It's OK to just want a kiss, and you should say "no" to anything that makes you uncomfortable. Remember also to respect the guy's wishes if he just doesn't want to kiss you.
* If your kiss isn't as romantic as you had hoped, don't worry! Lots of people have awkward beginnings to relationships. If this is the big one, then you'll have plenty more opportunities for kissing (in other words, it doesn't have to be perfect).
* Many guys view hints as overly complicated, especially in this day and age of sexual harassment lawsuits. Often, the best approach is to come right out and say it.

How to Make Your Boyfriend Love to Kiss

It happens to the best of us women. We fall for a guy that simply doesn't like to kiss. Nothing can kill the mood more than or worse, make us feel less desirable about ourselves than having a boyfriend that doesn't like to kiss. After all, as the song goes, "If you want to know if he loves you so, it's in his kiss". Fortunately, there are a few sure-fire ways to ensure that your guy learns to love kissing you.


1.Let him know
Let your boyfriend know in no uncertain terms that you like to kiss him. You really wish that he would kiss you more often, so tell him. Tell him just how important it really is to you and your relationship together. This is sure to encourage him to try kissing you more often.
2. When he does try to kiss you, notice how he does it. Is it a light, feathery brush of the lips? A hard, dominating kiss? Or a passionate, open-mouthed, lingering kiss? However he kisses, it may not be the kind of kiss that you prefer at first. Even if this is the case, never criticize his kissing! The reason that he didn't like kissing you in the first place may have been due to the fact that he doesn't feel like he knows how to kiss well. It's up to you to rebuild his confidence! Decide what kind of a kisser he is and follow his lead. If he's a soft kisser, and you prefer deep, passionate kisses, then kiss him softly at first but slowly open your mouth and introduce him to a passionate kiss. If his kiss is sloppy and you prefer a hard, demanding kiss, wait until he's least expecting it, grab him and plant a hard kiss on his lips. Show him that it's okay to kiss spontaneously, and that, depending upon whichever mood you and he are in at any given time, the style of kiss is sure to change.
3. Once he feels comfortable kissing and confident in his ability to do so, he will love kissing you as much as you love kissing him. But remember, encouraging him and praising him when he kisses you (even if he isn't the best kisser at first) is the only way to make him feel confident enough to continue to try kissing you. And, eventually, through practice and your examples, he will become a fantastic kisser, and love doing it!
4. Entertain the idea that you might not be a good kisser, or that he might not like the way you kiss. Simply asking him how he likes to be kissed will often garner appreciation and an instant make out session.
5. If he is nervous then complement him on his kissing (e.g. 'stop being nervous you are an excellent kisser') he will stop being nervous and start kissing you more often.
6. Guys feel will sometimes fell nervous and start shaking and if you are waiting for him to make the first move, you won't get it so, make the first move because it will tell him that you are comfortable to kiss him and he will stop being nervous after the first kiss and you might even get a kiss from him.
7. When you go for the first move and he looks surprised just wait because chances are that he will kiss you back and if and when he does kiss you don't just sit there like a puppet because he probably won't appreciate that you aren't kissing back so, KISS BACK FOR YOUR MAN!


* Try looking deeply into each other's eyes before kissing - it will add a more romantic feeling to the kiss.
* Touch him on the arms and shoulder, and lean your head on him to let him know that you want to kiss him.
* Devote an entire night to just kissing each other - play around with different kinds and different styles of kisses and show him how much fun it can be.
* Kiss him hello and good-bye every time you see him and leave him just to accustom him to the action of kissing you - even if it's only a brief peck on the lips.
* Make sure you have fresh breath!
* Diving in for a kiss never works, It is important to lean in slowly for him to catch the drift.
* If your partner doesn't want to, don't force him, it will ruin the kiss.


* If he is refusing to kiss you but insists on having sex with you, then he may not be interested in you for anything other than having ali. A kiss is, according to a lot of people, more intimate than anything else - even intercourse. If ali is willing to forgo the most intimate act with you in lieu of having sex, then he probably isn't interested in having an intimate, emotional relationship with you.
* Don't ever tell your guy that he's kissing the wrong way. There is no right way to kiss. You may prefer to kiss one way, but other people may prefer to kiss a different way.

How to Air Kiss

There are times when you're greeting people with whom you are on good enough terms to call for something more than just a handshake or hug, but it's just not appropriate or comfortable to plant a kiss directly on their cheek. In these cases, giving them an air kiss, where you brush cheeks and kiss the air near their cheek, is a good display of social decorum. Made popular by celebrities, who must often mingle and make nice with people they barely know, it's most common on formal social occasions and among friendly, well-mannered acquaintances.


1. Know when to air kiss. Consider both the occasion and the nature of your relationship with each person you greet. Typically, a formal event (such as weddings, formal parties, and official ceremonies) that brings together people who are on good terms, but who otherwise don't see each other, is the common setting for air kisses. Less formal occasions (family get-togethers, neighborhood barbecue, and casual lunches) may warrant the traditional hug and lips-on-cheek kiss, especially if you see the person you're greeting on a regular basis.

2. Observe how other people are greeting each other. This will give you the opportunity to gauge the formality of the occasion and confirm your judgment about whether this is an appropriate time to air kiss. For example, if you're approaching an entrance and the host is at the door greeting people, see how they are behaving. If your cousin, who's in front of you, gets an air kiss, and you're no closer to the host than your cousin is, then you're probably going to be expected to give an air kiss.

3.Read their body language. As you approach, reach out with your hand, whether to touch or grasp their upper arm, elbow, or hand(s). If they recoil or tighten up in any way, it might be wise to consider defaulting to just a loose hug. If they seem relaxed and return your contact, an air kiss is probably in order. And if they embrace you affectionately or touch your face, prepare to kiss and be kissed, traditional style.

4.Lean in for an air kiss. Aim to bring your lips near their right cheek (unless it's customary in your culture to start with the left). Remain observant, though, that they're going for your right cheek, because if they go for your left cheek and you go for their right (or vice versa) there may be an awkward halt as you both realize your faces are about to crash together. As you're going in for the kiss, it's not uncommon to brush cheeks gently.

5.Kiss the air next to their cheek. Purse your lips together and kiss the air just to the side of their face. Depending what's customary for the cultural context of the event, it may be appropriate to switch sides and repeat, going in for an air kiss on the opposite cheek.


* For an extravagant, boisterous touch, exclaim a person's name with a smile as you approach. Since the air kiss is all about showing affection without actually giving it, this is another way to reinforce a positive interaction without physical contact.
* Women sometimes make a discreet kissing sound (like "muah!") when they air kiss; it's generally seen as a friendly and feminine gesture to further embellish the greeting. Some men also do make that discreet sound.
* In some cultures, it is customary to give two, three, or even four air kisses upon greeting or leaving someone at a social occasion. It's always best to concede to observation, however, because local etiquette can sometimes vary greatly from the cultural context.

o In Spain and Italy, it's generally two kisses, starting with the right cheek.
o In France, it will be two, three or four kisses depending of the places. If you don't know, check first or go for two kisses. Usually the air kiss is done when meeting with women, but you can meet cases where two men are air kissing, it is common. French people are usually air kissing when meeting and leaving at anytime of the day.
o In the Netherlands and in Poland, three kisses are expected.
o In Jordan, it is one to the left cheek and several to the right, depending on how much you like the person.
* When in doubt, shake hands.


* Giving the wrong kind of kiss can have negative social implications.
o If you give someone an air kiss when they feel comfortable enough to give you a peck right on the cheek, they may feel insulted at your subtle lack of intimacy.
o If you give an actual kiss when all they expected was an air kiss like the one they give you, you might feel embarrassed, or your kiss might be misinterpreted as something more.
o When visiting a country unfamiliar to you, beware of the cultural traditions. In Central Europe it's common to kiss on greeting someone; in Australia it is almost never done. In India, you won't at all be appreciated if you do that.
* It might seem stuck-up to others.

How to Be Kissable

A person's kissability can be negatively affected by many factors, including bad breath and chapped lips. However, there are plenty of things you can do to minimize these problems and make yourself more kissable.


1. Have fresh breath. Begin by brushing and flossing your teeth twice daily. During the day, especially after meals, use breath mints or breath strips. Breath strips work better, especially if you've just ended a garlicky dinner or whatnot. Be careful about gum because you will have to get rid of it before kissing. Or keep it and once you are more comfortable, you might suggest a game where you and your partner try to trade pieces.
2. Make sure that your lips are well moisturized. You should also apply lip balm frequently (carry one in your pocket or purse). This will help keep your lips soft.
3. Don't forget to look after your skin. Use products with shea butter, it's better than most other skincare ingredients and it doesn't leave a greasy feel after use (who would want to kiss you if your skin shines like sweat?).
4. Make plenty of eye contact. This provides the intimate connection that is an invitation to kissing.
5. Being comfortable makes you appear more relaxed and therefore more kissable. Make sure you are wearing comfortable clothes. And if you're a guy, most girls like smooth hairless faces so dont forget to shave if you need to.
6. Make sure to look at your (future) partner's lips every once in a while. This connotes the idea of kissing and hopefully he/she will pick up the hint (:


* Guys: When you notice a girl leaning towards you & looking you dead in the eye she wants to kiss. If the environment is not conducive to a kiss, use the next opportunity.
* A surprise kiss is often quite memorable, but if you don't know if the person likes you as more than a friend, it can be a disaster.
* When you kiss someone (especially if it is just a casual kiss) DO NOT pucker your lips (in other words, don't "smooch")! It also helps not to lick your lips; no one likes a messy, wet kiss.
* If you smoke, quit! In addition to being bad for your health, smoking yellows your teeth and causes severe bad breath, which will keep others from even thinking about kissing you!
* If you're a girl, wear a light shade of lipstick or flavored lip gloss so it shows the guy you are up for a kiss.
* Girls : Almost every guy wants to kiss a girl, sometimes even in the earlier stages in a relationship. If you want to kiss, most likely the guy you're with wants to kiss. Go for it!
* Make your kiss last long, and if you want to remember it keep your position and keep following up with kisses. You don't want your kiss to be over in a second.


* If you have severe bad breath that is not helped by brushing, flossing, etc., consult your dentist or doctor. Listerine might help so an extra 30 seconds will not hurt!

How to Deal With a Bad Kisser

So that new guy or girl in your life is just perfect. Kind, caring, fun, exciting--he or she has it all. Except... Oh, what a terrible kisser! From the guy who draws blood with every kiss to the girl that makes that weird clicking sound when you lock lips, bad kissers are everywhere. For many of us, kissing is a very important part of a relationship and, unfortunately, the inability to deliver a passionate kiss (or worse, the ability to deliver a disgusting kiss) can be a deal breaker, no matter how great the person is otherwise. Luckily, most bad kissers can become good kissers if you have a little patience, tact, and courage.


1. Make up a reason to get away. The rest of this article will focus on how to deal with a bad kisser that you're in a relationship with or with whom you want to pursue a relationship, but if you're just looking for something casual and that guy or girl at the bar just gave you a horrible kiss, don't mess around. Say you're feeling tired, or you have to go with your friends. You can always say, "Yuck," but you probably don't want to offend and embarrass someone.

* Alternatively, you can pull away from the kiss, look the person in the eyes, and say something like, "This is how I like a kiss." Then kiss that person as you would want to be kissed. You may offend the person, and that's why you need a little more patience if you're already in a relationship with someone you care about, but if you want a quick tip that will either work or get rid of someone, that's it.
2. Figure out what it is that you don't like. Before you can encourage good kissing, you need to figure out what makes a kiss good for you. This can be difficult, because we generally like different kinds of kisses at different times. If you have a hard time defining a good kiss, you probably won't have too much trouble determining what you don't like about your partner's kissing style. Think about it, and identify the real problems so you can coach your partner along. If you do end up having to talk to him or her about it, you don't want to just say, "you're a bad kisser." You want to offer constructive input.

* Is the person really a bad kisser, or are you just used to something else? Especially when people get out of long-term relationships and start anew, they may miss the way their ex kissed them. Just because somebody doesn't kiss you exactly like your old flame did, however, doesn't mean that he or she isn't good at kissing. Keep an open mind and, as long as you're not disgusted, give it a little time. You may come to like the way your new partner kisses.
* Look within. Do you really like the person? If you don't feel passion for a person, anything they do can seem wrong. If you're still hung up on an old boyfriend or girlfriend, or if you're just not into someone, you have bigger issues to deal with.
3. Try something new. Ask your partner if they would like to "try something different" but really show them how you like to be kissed. This works if you want to be subtle and not hurt your partners feelings
4. Set a good example. Try to kiss the person like you want to be kissed. Kissing is an interactive experience, and each partner needs to follow the other's lead at some time. When it's your turn to lead, make it count. This can be an especially useful technique if your partner doesn't have much kissing experience or isn't sure he or she is doing it right.
5. Give your partner signals. When your partner kisses you in a way that you really don't like, don't be afraid to pull away. Use body language, and hope he or she gets the hint. Even more importantly, when your partner does something you like, let him or her know. Moan softly, hold them closer, melt in his or her arms--send out signals that he or she is getting it right. Most bad kissers aren't bad all the time, so you should have opportunities to reward them for a job well done. Keep reinforcing what you like and discouraging what you don't, and your bad kisser may become a good kisser without you ever having to say a word about it.
6. Tell the person what you like. Signals aren't working? Suppose you want your partner to kiss you more passionately. Try telling him or her that you love it when he or she kisses you like they really want you. Say it even if they don't actually do what you like. Just telling the person what you like will reinforce that idea in his or her head. If that doesn't work, encourage experimentation. If you see a great kiss in a movie, for example, mention that you'd really like to try kissing like that. Be as specific as you feel you need to be.
7. Have a talk. When subtle hints fail, it's time to bring it out in the open. This is an uncomfortable talk to have, but if you care about the relationship you have to do it, for both of you. Communication is essential to any relationship, so don't be afraid to tell the person how you feel. Be tactful about it, though, and compliment your partner on what he or she does right. Don't make blanket statements. Instead, address specific issues so that your partner will know you're not just being mean and so he or she can actually work on improving.
8. Break up. If nothing else works, you're left with two choices: lower your standards or break up with the bad kisser. If the person is wonderful in all other respects, and if kissing just isn't that important to you, just live with it. If, however, you really need a good kisser, you have to end the relationship. If you really try to communicate your needs early in the relationship, but the person still doesn't adapt, they probably won't be responsive to your needs in other areas either, and they won't likely make a good long-term partner for you anyway. It's hard to break up with someone, but remember that you'll be better off and, hopefully, that person will also finally take the hint and become a better partner for someone in the future.


* Be proactive. Don't wait for months or years to address the kissing problem. The longer you wait, the harder it will be for you to bring it up and the harder it will be for your partner to change his or her ways.
* A good way to open the door to communication is to ask them if there's anything YOU can do better or anything they'd like you to try. a) You might just learn something and b) they may very well follow with asking you the same question. Even if they don't, people are usually a little more receptive when you're not coming across as superior. Say, "I love it when you do this... but I'm not sure how I feel about..."
* Maybe you're not such a good kisser yourself. At the very least, you may not kiss your partner exactly like he or she would like. Try to be perceptive of your partner's body language and subtle hints, and be responsive. This will help you to communicate openly and to get what you want. What's more, you may be a bad kisser without even knowing it, but you, too, can break the habit.
* The first kiss can make a big impression, and some people aren't willing to even try to develop a relationship with a bad kisser. If you're one of these people, keep in mind that bad kissing doesn't have to be a lifelong affliction if you're willing to help your partner out. If you dismiss someone because of one bad kiss, you could be missing out on a great relationship. That said, it is sometimes the case that bad kissing is just a symptom of a person who won't be a responsive, attentive partner anyway, and he or she may be just as bad at other important things as well. Try to consider how much kissing experience the person has. If you can chalk up the bad kissing to inexperience, there's probably hope, but if the person has had plenty of time and partners to figure it out, you're probably at a dead end.
* Next time you're in front of your computer with your partner, casually decide to look at some wikiHow articles. Check out a variety of things, and then have a look at some articles on kissing, like How to Kiss or How to French Kiss. Don't let on why you want to look at the articles, and have fun reading them together, joking, and kissing. This is a great opportunity to mention things you like or don't like.
* Encourage what you like. When you receive a particularly good kiss, pause for a moment to say so: "MmmM.. I want some more of THAT!" and "Oooo... That was soOo good! It makes me feel..." are good starters.
* Have fun! Be playful! Kissing does not have to be a serious experience. Giving your partner an exaggerated version of his/her style of kiss may help him/her to realize what it is he/she is doing wrong and a reason for both of you to laugh which can work out to be an intimate moment, pleasant memory and a means of easing the tension of learning your likes/dislikes.
* It might be so that the quality of the kiss varies according to the situation you and your partner are in at the moment. If your partner is shy in public, then a public kiss might not be as fulfilling as one in private. Other actions (including sex) might cause your partner's attention to be directed away from the Kiss, and thus cause it to deteriorate in quality. Either way, decide which is more important and focus on improving that aspect.


* Always be tactful and nice about telling someone what you like and don't like about their kissing. This can be a very sensitive subject, and your partner may become anxious or feel threatened or hurt--sometimes to the point that he or she will want to break up with you.
* If you train someone to kiss, be sure to leave some room for experimentation. If you tell a responsive partner exactly what you like and are too rigid in this, you may find that you always get kissed the same way, which can be boring.

How to Kiss Passionately

A passionate kiss. Note that the arms, as well as the lips, are engaged.

There are kisses for just about every emotion and occasion and maybe considered cultural or - the greeting kiss on the cheek, the maternal kiss on the forehead, an affectionate kiss on the lips, the kiss of death-- but on those certain occasions when you want to communicate passion and, maybe, lust, not just any kiss will do. You need a fiercely passionate kiss. If done incorrectly, these kisses can turn out being gross or sloppy, but when performed with skill and feeling, there is no greater expression of love. Here's how to get it right.


1. Make sure your breath is fresh and clean. Naturally you practice good dental hygiene, but if you have any doubts about your breath, take a breath mint shortly before the kiss. Make sure to finish the mint before you lock lips.

2. Approach the kiss with confidence. Once you've chosen the right moment to kiss someone, there's no turning back, especially if it's your first time kissing that particular person. Be decisive and confident. If the person doesn't want the kiss, he or she will let you know, but until then, act as though you're a pro.

3.Angle your heads so that you don't bump noses.

Angle your heads so that you don't bump noses.
Lean in and turn your head slightly. Leaning in signals that you want to kiss the person, and turning your head prevents crushing your nose against the other person's.

4. Start slowly. Don't try to thrust your tongue in your partner's mouth right away. Simply press your lips against theirs. Close your eyes as you do so to heighten the intimacy and to avoid looking at the pores on your partner's nose. Imagine your eyes are being controlled by a dimmer switch.

5. Open your lips slightly. Once the kiss is accepted, try opening your lips slightly. If the other person follows suit, try slightly varying the openness of your lips (both more and less open) throughout the kiss. You may wish to explore the person's lips and tongue a bit with the tip of your tongue. There are no rules; just try to make your motions smooth.

6. Consider the French Kiss. As the kiss progresses, you may want to try French kissing, in which you insert your tongue deep into your partner's mouth and let it dance with your partner's tongue.

7.Try some necking. If things are going well, consider spicing it up a bit by moving your head down to kiss and lightly nibble your partner's neck.

8. Keep your arms busy. You seldom, maybe never, see a great kiss in which the participants just let their arms dangle at their sides. At the very least, embrace your partner and gently pull him or her to you. You can also run your hands through your partner's hair; or caress his or her back, sides, or other parts of the body. Wrapping your arms around your partner can also be a big TURN-ON!! Where you put your hands should be determined by the status of your relationship, your desires, and your partner's signals, whether spoken or communicated non-verbally.


* Avoid breath-killing foods, such as tomatoes, garlic, onions, and milk, if you plan on kissing someone.
* Don't offer your partner a mint very near in time to when you are going to kiss them. Although he/she might need it, it might insult them and take them out of the mood for kissing.
* Never chew gum while kissing. Believe it or not, it ruins good breath and, therefore, ruins your chance at a good kiss. It also makes you slobber more, again ruining a perfectly good kiss.
* Although its said a lot, even above, sometimes having gum can be fun. Some people will kiss you when you have gum to steal it and make you get it back.
* Don't open your eyes during a kiss. It's creepy and it takes the intense closeness out of a kiss, most of the time. Keep your eyes open until you make lip contact, then close them. Once you and your partner get more comfortable together, you might think it fun to play with this rule a bit, as some people find it makes a kiss more intense.
* Try not to bump teeth or bite the person during the kiss. If this happens accidentally, don't worry about it.
* If you want to show a mark of your affection, consider giving or receiving a hickey or love bite. A hickey is a red or purple mark caused by sucking on the skin. Some people like them, but they can be painful, and they don't go away quickly, so be sure to discuss this with your partner before trying to give him or her one.
* If you try to kiss deeply in someones mouth, be sure that they want it. You can tell in their kiss. First of all you can tell if they want you, by how far open their mouth is. If it is slightly open, don't do it. They might not be ready.
* If you are confident your breath is fresh, as you slowly move in for a kiss let them feel the warmth of your breath. Then as you kiss them inhale just a bit. You will literally take their breath away and send tingles down to their toes.


* If your attempt to steal a kiss is rebuffed, respect the person's wishes, and back off immediately. If at any point your partner seems uncomfortable with anything you're doing, stop doing it immediately.
* If you feel uncomfortable with anything your partner is doing, or if you don't want to kiss someone, let that person know. Be polite, but be firm.
* Kissing will increase your chances of getting mononucleosis[1] so be cautious if the other person is exhibiting symptoms and don't kiss them at all if they definitely have it.
* If you think your partner wants a kiss but doesn't seem to know how to begin, or is unsure of your feelings, stay near them, hold their hand, let your eyes gaze briefly at their lips, or give them a kiss on their cheek. They'll take that as a go-ahead.

How to Have a First Kiss

Are you ready to kiss - or be kissed? Is there a special someone that you'd like to kiss? If you haven't yet experienced your first kiss, it can be a daunting challenge. For the purposes of this article, we're going to pretend we're all heterosexual, but apply the tips as you like!



1. Have a mint. Make sure you are kissably fresh.
2. Lean in and make eye contact. Lean your head on your guy's shoulder as if you are about to fall asleep. Look up at him - if his arm goes around to let you in, go for the kiss. If not, or or he doesn't seem to be taking things the same way you are, he might not be ready yet. Just relax for now.
3. Look at his lips. Drop your gaze and your eyelids to half mast, then slowly, look back up at him and give him a little welcoming smile.
4. Relax and be at ease about it. If he doesn't go for the kiss, accept it and don't push. Wait for another moment, either later in the date, or another time.
5. Let him know you want to kiss. Reaching up to twine your arms around his neck, or lightly play with the hair at his neckline will let him know you are ready to get up close and personal.
6. Take the lead. Some guys are very shy. Even those who aren't have been drilled over and over about unwelcome touching. Consider lightly kissing him on the cheek to show him that you're okay with touch. Guys have a reputation as being pervs, but a lot of boys worry about going too far.
7. Invite him to kiss you. Yep, some boys really do need an engraved invitation. Let's say you've tried to show him you're ready, and he looks interested, but you just can't get him to (A) let you kiss him, or (B) kiss you, then just ask him, "Couldn't we just be kissing right now?" If he doesn't kiss you then, he isn't going to.


1. Have a mint. Make sure you are kissably fresh.
2. Respect her privacy. Most girls will not want to make out in front of others, especially if this is her first kiss. Find the right time when you can be alone. Privacy is the key.
3. Watch for signals. Watch carefully, because sometimes the signals can be confusing - she may flirt with you, then smack you on the head. These may just be coy games, or she may really be conflicted. Ask yourself these questions: Did you and your date seem to have a cozy, warm, close time together? Has she been flirting with you through body language? Has she licked her lips, or bit her lower lip while looking at you? Has she found excuses to touch you often? If you feel confident of these things, prepare to kiss!
4. Make eye contact. If she is comfortable and doesn't look away then she is ready.
5. Lean in slowly. Don't swoop in like a condor! Make it slow, nice, easy, romantic.
6. Hold her. Do not use a first kiss as your personal excuse to grope, grab, or get too familiar. Be a gentleman, for heaven's sake. Reach around her waist, gently draw her toward you (again, gentlemen, do not squish her up against you and then grind your pelvis against her).
7. Look into her eyes. Notice how we mention eye contact twice? Muy importante, amigo. Let her know that you are really seeing her.
8. Look at her lips. Aim, dude. Make sure you know where you're going. Lean in, and go in for the kiss.
9. Walk that fine line and make it a really excellent kiss. You don't want to give her a chaste little peck. You also don't want to (well, you may want to, but don't!) shove your tongue down her throat. An excellent first kiss is one that is romantic, tender and memorable. Your mouth should not be overly opened or closed, and it shouldn't be mushy or too tight (relax). Don't let it go too long (more than, say, 20 seconds) or let it be too short (3 seconds is not enough) - think around 10 seconds or so. A tiny hint of tongue is nice if she seems willing, but make it flirtatious and not insistent.
10. Wait for her response. Just remain silent and smile, better yet hug her, ending the first kiss in a lovely, intimate moment.


* Keep in mind that many are shy about kissing -- but this doesn't mean they don't want to kiss you. Pay attention to body language. If you think your someone might be suffering from this ailment, try kissing them! Just be mindful of their reaction. If they pull away, or are surprised or otherwise not interested in the kiss, be mature about it and don't take it personally. You can try again later unless you are rebuffed flat out.
* The fastest way to have a first kiss is just to get close to the person and kiss them. Most people won't complain. However, it is more fun if you spend an intimate evening with that person first.
* A good way to have a first kiss is the "coward's date" -- going to a movie. Simple, but effective. Hopefully your crush will hold your hand - everyone has hormones, after all - and then you gradually get closer until you're as close as you can be without kissing. S/he should get the message soon, and if s/he doesn't, perhaps s/he's just not ready.
* If you know for a fact he wants to kiss you - for instance, he's told your friends - but he's just nervous, don't be afraid to ASK him! It does work.
* If you don't mind having an impersonal first kiss, join in on a game of Truth or Dare. The most popular dare is to kiss someone. Be warned though: you may end up kissing someone you don't much fancy (unless you get a friend to dare your crush to kiss you). The same is true for Spin the Bottle.
* Avoid kissing straight-on, noses may get in the way.
* Keep your eyes closed during a first kiss. It will be awkward to be cross-eyed looking at them while kissing. Also, it is rude to have your eyes open during a kiss. It might put the wrong message across, and make your partner think you are criticizing his kissing.
* If you ever feel uncomfortable, then maybe it's not the right person.
* Do not worry about details - how much to tilt your head, when to close your eyes, how long to stay, etc. Everyone has intuition and kissing is a very intuitive activity. It will all turn out fine.


* Make sure you don't have any food stuck in your teeth or braces.
* Make sure your breath smells good.
* Watch out for mono (mononucleiosis) or HSV-1 known as oral herpes.
* Make sure the person you are about to kiss does not have things in their teeth.
* Keep in mind, that it might taste a bit mushy at first, but you'll get used to it.
* If the guy has a little beard scruff, keep kissing short - too intense, or too long, and the girl can get a "whisker burn" on her chin or around her lips - very embarrassing.
* Don't kiss anyone if they have a cold sore or something else around their mouth area it could be a sign of oral herpes.
* Make sure you don't miss their mouth, kissing their nose or eye
* You will freak out, yes.
* Afterwards, you will feel really good inside, and might want to do it again soon another time!