Saturday, September 6, 2008


In kissing a girl whose experience with osculation is limited, it is a good thing to work up to the kissingof the lips. Only an arrant fool seizes hold of such a girl, when they are comfortably seated on the sofa,and suddenly shoves his face into her's and smacks her lips' Naturally, the first thing he should do is toarrange it so that the girl is seated against the arm of the sofa while he is seated at her side. In this way,she cannot edge away from -him when he becomes serious in his attentions.

This done, on some pretextor another, such as a gallant attempt to adjust the cushions behind her, he manages to insinuate his arm,first around the back of the sofa and then, gradually, around her shoulders. If she flinches, don't worry. If
she flinches and makes an outcry, don't worry. If she flinches, makes an outcry and tries to get up fromthe sofa, don't worry. Hold her gently but firmly, and allay her fears with kind, reassuring words.

Remember what Shakespeare said about "a woman's no! However., if she flinches and makes an outcry,a loud, stentorian outcry, mind you, and starts to scratch your face, then start to worry or start to getyourself out of a bad situation. Such girls are not to be trifled with ... or kissed. It is such as they, in most
cases, who still believe the story 6f the stork which brings babies because of the consequences of a kiss.

But if your arm is comfortably reposed across the girl's shoulders and "all's right with the world)" then
your next step is to flatter her in some way. All women like to be flattered. They like to be told they are
beautiful even when the mirror throws the lie back into their ugly faces.
The Art of Kissing

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