Saturday, September 6, 2008


Man and woman are born to love, marry and beget children. Woman is so physically constituted that sheis the one who bears the child. Man, on the other hand, is given the duty of being the protector of his wife and, after they are born, of his children. Therefore, he must always be the one who takes the initiative.
must be strong, he must be willing, he must be physically able to take care of his charges, He must be theaggressor.
It is, therefore, necessary that the man be taller than the woman. The psychological reason for this is that
he must always give the impression of being his woman's superior, both mentally and especially
physically. The physical reason, with which we are more concerned, is that if he is taller that his woman,
he is better able to kiss her. He must be able to sweep her into his strong arms, and tower 6ver her, and
look down into her eyes, and cup her chin in his fingers and 1 hen, bend over her face and plant his
eager, virile lips on her moist, slightly parted, inviting ones. All of this he must do with the vigor of an
assertive male. And, all of these are impossible where. the woman is the taller of the-two. For when the
situation is reversed, the kiss becomes only a ludicrous banality. The physical mastery is gone, the male
prerogative is gone, everything is gone but the fact that two lips are touching two other lips. Nothing can
be more disappointing.

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